BHP Laboratories is the largest multidisciplinary independent Engineering test facility in Ireland providing a wide range of engineering measuring, testing and analyzing services to numerous industries throughout Ireland and the UK. Our team draws upon 35 years experience in delivering to our customers an uncompromising personalized service with measurements they can trust – on time. BHP offers the most extensive INAB accreditation scope in the country, our long standing in-house culture of laboratory testing excellence brings rigorous inspection procedures and high standards of quality control to all our operations, products and services.
The tests which we hold INAB ISO 17025 accreditation for are listed below:
Moisture Content
Liquid Limit
Plastic Limit
Plasticity Index
Particle Size Distribution (PSD)
Dry Density/Moisture Content Relationship
Moisture Condition Value (MCV)
California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
In-situ Nuclear Density
In-situ Plate Load Test & Equivalent CBR Value
Sand Replacement Test