Dust Monitoring

Dust Monitoring2022-10-12T12:34:10+01:00


BHP Laboratories provides a comprehensive Dust Monitoring service. Our services include the monitoring and control of dust  for commercial and industrial facilities, construction projects and more. We provide dust measurements and surveys, dust consulting services, dust studies and assessments and testing services.

The most common dust monitoring method required in Ireland is the Bergerhoff method VDI 4320 Part 2. The input of atmospheric matter is determined over the planned period of measurement, usually one month, by exposing the collecting jars to ambient air. The sample is then evaporated down and the dry residue is determined gravimetrically, the result being reported in g/(m2d) or mg/(m2d).

BHP is one of the only testing laboratories in Ireland who offers this analysis under its scope of accreditation.

  • Bergerhoff Dust Monitoring

  • PM10 Monitoring


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